More Icon Updates

I took some time last week to work on these icons some more. Here are the results:

2 thoughts on “More Icon Updates

  1. Great progress

    I like the flag and border icons. Flashlight and flower as well.

    What is bad is the new paint bucket icon. It doesn’t look like a paint bucket.

    One more thing – you mentioned smaller icons in the corner on a few examples – these also look too small. My personal problem with breeze icons is all those small icons in the corner (like a + being in the corner of the folder icon). Those icons look like they have been wrongly rendered to me. You have shown a figma import problem – this very much reminds me on this corne . A suggestion if I may? Try to put a filled circle and inside the icon like +. Maybe the color of the circle.would be relevant for the add (green add, red delete)

    1. That’s a good suggestion. It would bring more filled shapes to the collection. I will keep this suggestion.

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